Hospice Care
Quality-of-Life & Hospice Care
Your pets are a part of you, irreplaceable members of your family. You’ve loved them, nurtured them, ushered them through illness. You’ve played and laughed and snuggled with them. No one understands better than our team at Ahwatukee Commons Animal Hospital knows just how difficult it is when your beloved animal companion is nearing the end of their life.
We would like to make this heartbreaking time a little easier. That’s why we offer hospice care and quality-of-life consultations, as well as compassionate euthanasia and house calls when we can.
Countless pet parents have come to us for these services over the years. We combine experience with genuine empathy to ensure that both you and your pet are treated with kindness and consideration.
Hospice Care
Our team will work with you to see that your pet’s pain is managed and that he or she is as comfortable as possible until it’s time to say goodbye. When you’re ready to make that decision, our veterinarians will be with you every step of the way, and our staff can help with recommendations for aftercare.
Quality-of-Life Consultations
You’ve probably heard that your pet will tell you when he or she is ready to be put down, but the truth is, it’s not always easy to know when the time is right. We can help you with this decision. A few things to consider in the meantime:
- Is your pet clearly in pain?
- Has your pet lost interest in her favorite activities?
- Has your pet stopped being able to perform basic functions like eating, drinking, eliminating outdoors/in the litterbox?
If you decide that it’s time to put your pet to sleep, we willgive your pet a gentle sedative so that he or she will feel no pain. After that, we’ll administer another drug that effectively renders them unconscious and shuts down heart and brain function. The process is short and humane, and we will be with you every step of the way, explaining what’s happening and giving you whatever time and privacy you need to say goodbye and to grieve.